Forced entry



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Forced entry

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Forced entry

17 Archival description results for Forced entry

Only results directly related

Public Documents and Reports

Official communications and reports on audits and administrative persecutory measures against Colonia Dignidad carried out by Servicio de Impuestos Internos [Internal Revenue Service] and related to the cancellation of Colonia Dignidad's legal status and the subsequent closure of Villa Baviera Hospital and the Escuela Privada Alemana Villa Baviera [Villa Baviera German Private School] . Official communications from Ministerio de Obras Públicas [Ministry of Public Works] regarding the use of the highway Route 148, between Agua de la Gloria and Bulnes.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Press clippings

News about the Allende Family and valuables belongings found in the residence of Tomás Moro, Hortensia Bussi's exile abroad, death of Laura Allende and Beatriz Allende. News about legal proceedings against Hernán del Canto for customs fraud and against Miria Contreras, alias La Payita, for fraud

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Press clippings

News related to the arrest of 5 people involved in the manufacture of 100,000 pamphlets with slogans calling for protests, found in the offices of the Coordinadora Nacional Sindical [National Trade Union Coordinating Committee] of Chile

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Press clippings

News related to the release of former Foreign Minister Gabriel Valdés for the case 'Panfletos' [Pamphlets] with slogans calling for a protest, in which approximately 70,000 sheets were found

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

Copy of 10 legal resources. Protection appeal No. 54,228 and No. 53,543 of Colonia Dignidad against the designated judge Hernán González García, in protection of personal liberty and individual security of Colonos. Complaint No. 53,298 against the judge on criminal matters Jorge Norambuena Carrillo for inspection of Colonia Dignidad. Protection appeal No. 20,721 for the disappearance of Erwin Fege Fabián and Brigitte Malessa Boll. Complaint No. 53.278 of Hugo Hidalgo Díaz and Olalia Vera against the Parral Judge for having applied protective measures against underage Angelo San Martín. Protection appeal No. 292,251 of Winfred Schmidtke Zeitner and Hernán Escobar San Cristóbal against Carabineros [Chilean Police] and PDI (Policía de Investigaciones) [Chilean Investigation Police]for arrests. Protection appeal No. 292,195 for raid. Appeal for the Protection of Cerro Florido against Dirección de Vialidad [Directorate of Roads]. Protection appeal No. 296.666 of Mathias Gerlach Maschke against Former Director of Colonia Dignidad. Appeal of Protection No. 50.123 of the Governor of Linares against Albert Schreiber and Gerard Mücke

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Declaración pública

Declaración pública relativo al allanamiento al Comité de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo y detención de 13 personas a la sede CODEPU, entre los detenidos figuran, Blanca Rengifo Pérez, Juana Méndez Barra, Elena López Barría, Julio Riquelme Vega, Jorge Pizarro, Carlos Alberto Sánchez Soto, Jecar Neghme Cristi, Mima Ulloa Jaramillo, Carmen Barriga, Ana María Fernández Lembach, Elvira Morales, Luis Rocco

Comisión Chilena de Derechos Humanos