Control de armas



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Control de armas

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Control de armas

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Control de armas

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Judicial File

Judicial records of the proceedings of the Case No. 64,322 due to the presumable misfortune of Doris Gert Brennecke. Case No. 61,517 for obstruction to justice and violation of Art. 255 No. 1 of the C.P.P (Código Procesal Penal) [Criminal Procedure Code] of Miguel Ángel Becerra Monsalve, Friedhelm Schiwon Klein and Rolf Bockler Seelbach. Case No. 50,911 for illegal inhumation. Case No. 57,569 of the Maule Intendancy against Hartmut Hopp and Paul Schäfer for infringement of the Ley sobre control de armas [Arms Control Law]. Infraction Case No. 4,441 about a protection measure against the minor Ángel Salvo Fuentes

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Press clippings

News regarding Beatriz Brinkmann, prosecuted for violation of the Ley de control de armas [Law for Weapon Control] and Explosive Elements. News about Elliot Abrams' and Norbert Blüm's statements and accusations about kidnappings and deaths in Chile and about political asylum requested for 14 Miristas [Revolutionary Left Movement members] prosecuted.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad