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7 Descripción archivística results for Huelgas

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Press clippings

News related to the mobilization called by Comando Nacional de Trabajadores [National Workers Command] on May 27, 1984, to which the students joined and to the State of Emergency established by the Government. News about the death of a student from Universidad de Concepción

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Press clippings

News related to the National Strike organized by the Comando Nacional de Trabajadores [National Workers' Command] and the organizations that did not support the instance

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Press clippings

News regarding the construction of the Colbún Hydroelectric Plant in the Maule Region by the Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (ENDESA) [National Electricity Company] in conjunction with the collaboration of German and Spanish companies. And news about the workers' strike of the Colbún project

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad