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5 Descripción archivística results for Informes

5 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados


Reports and legal resources about the Inquiry Commission on the cancelation of the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad made by the Chamber of Deputies of Chile and the units of Human Rights, Nationality, and Citizenship and Family Commissions, in charge of the study and supervision of how different competent public institutions have collaborated to the success of judicial investigations related to former Colonia Dignidad

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad


Following and espionage activities reports of 6 people who attended the Casino Familiar [Family's Diner] of Colonia Dignidad, the reports correspond to Ingeborg Flakowski, Mellado Corral Family, Américo Araya, Jorge González, Víctor Gálvez, Karin Mernickent

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad


Different legal resources that are not directly related to Colonia Dignidad. The first of them corresponds to an appeal of procesal anullment issued by Fernando Laureani Maturana and Miguel Krassnoff Marchenko. Appeal 31997-2003 regarding the incarceration of Luis Omar Mahuida Esquivel and Luis Genaro González Mella. Case No. 2,182-98 against Rubén Osvaldo Barría Igor for abduction of minors, kidnapping and kidnapping with homicide. Case against Juan Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda as the author of the reiterated felony of qualified kidnapping. Appeal related to Sociedad Metales Envimi Internacional Ltda. for protection appeal issued by Alejandro Navarro Brain against Resolution No. 059 of 1999. Finally, protection appeal No. 16-99 issued by Roberto Celedón Fernández in favor of Patricia Ballesteros, foreigner, for expulsion from Chile.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad


Reports on the presentation of Dr. Hartmut Hopp Miottel at the forum of the Sub-Committee of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Federal Parliament, on February 22, 1988, to present on the subject: 'Are there German citizens in Colonia Dignidad in Chile against their will and under conditions that violate their human rights?

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad


Reports and official documents on the cancellation of the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad and closure of Villa Baviera Hospital and the Escuela Alemana Privada Villa Baviera [Villa Baviera Private German School]

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad