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8 Archival description results for Talca

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Reports and Letters

Reports and letters about the closure and opening of Villa Baviera Hospital and a visit report made by the Ministerio de Salud [Ministry of Health]. It contains the report of Deputy Luis Valentín Ferrada about the Inquiry Commission of the Legal Personality of Colonia Dignidad

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

9 legal requests. Appeal for the protection of Mariana Deisler Coll, journalist against Abelino González for insults and attacks while she was recording in Villa Baviera. protection appeal No. 50,123 of the Governor of Linares Víctor Chávez against Albert Schreiber and Gerhard Mücke regarding patients on hunger strike in Colonia Dignidad. Protection appeal No. 23,959 of Colonia Dignidad against the Director of the Servicio de Salud Maule [Health Service of Maule] due to the termination of the agreement with Villa Baviera Hospital. Protection appeal No. 47,524 of Hans-Jürgen Blanck and others against Germany Pension Funds, on the Colonos' pension situation. Protection appeal No. 47,208 of Colonia Dignidad against the Servicio de Salud Maule for subsidy deprivation to Hospital Villa Baviera. Appeal of complaint against Minister Hernán Robert Arias for a visit to Colonia Dignidad which presented irregularities. Appeal for the protection of Colonia Dignidad against the Servicio de Salud Maule. Complaint against Bishop Camus for serious slander. Appeal for the protection of Manuel Mesa Seco against Colonia Dignidad for his right to life and physical and mental integrity

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

9 Legal resources. Protection appeal 50-91 of Colonia Dignidad against the Ministry of Justice. Protection appeal No. 59,544 in favor of Erwin Bohnau Stobbe against PDI (Policía de Investigaciones) [Chilean Investigation Police] for obstruction of justice. Protection appeal in favor of Renate Malessa, Siegfried Hempel and Georg Hempel for arrest made by PDI. Appeal for preventive protection of Edeltraud Baar Köhler and others, against PDI. Protection appeal No. 335,906 filed by Doris Gert Brennecke against Paul Schäfer and Hartmut Hopp. Protection appeal No. 331,913 in favor of Kurt Schnellenkamp and Dennys Alvear Henríquez, against PDI prefects Luis Henríquez Seguel and Hugo Montenegro. Protection appeal No. 341.674 in favor of Arthur Gerlach Walter and others, against Hernán González García, designated judge, and Luis Henríquez from PDI. Protection appeal in favor of Wolfgang Müller Altevogt and Protection appeal in favor of Reinhard Zeitener Bohnau, both against designated judge Hernán González.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

Copy of 10 legal resources. Protection appeal No. 54,228 and No. 53,543 of Colonia Dignidad against the designated judge Hernán González García, in protection of personal liberty and individual security of Colonos. Complaint No. 53,298 against the judge on criminal matters Jorge Norambuena Carrillo for inspection of Colonia Dignidad. Protection appeal No. 20,721 for the disappearance of Erwin Fege Fabián and Brigitte Malessa Boll. Complaint No. 53.278 of Hugo Hidalgo Díaz and Olalia Vera against the Parral Judge for having applied protective measures against underage Angelo San Martín. Protection appeal No. 292,251 of Winfred Schmidtke Zeitner and Hernán Escobar San Cristóbal against Carabineros [Chilean Police] and PDI (Policía de Investigaciones) [Chilean Investigation Police]for arrests. Protection appeal No. 292,195 for raid. Appeal for the Protection of Cerro Florido against Dirección de Vialidad [Directorate of Roads]. Protection appeal No. 296.666 of Mathias Gerlach Maschke against Former Director of Colonia Dignidad. Appeal of Protection No. 50.123 of the Governor of Linares against Albert Schreiber and Gerard Mücke

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

Protection appeal No. 52,144 and 52,143 of Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Cerro Florido Ltda. against the Regional Head of Labor, Jaime Patricio Paredes Marfull, for administrative fines applied to Cerro Florido, for labor legal dispositions such as working rest periods, overtime pay and socialpension system

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Judicial File

Judicial records of the proceedings of the Case No. 64,322 due to the presumable misfortune of Doris Gert Brennecke. Case No. 61,517 for obstruction to justice and violation of Art. 255 No. 1 of the C.P.P (Código Procesal Penal) [Criminal Procedure Code] of Miguel Ángel Becerra Monsalve, Friedhelm Schiwon Klein and Rolf Bockler Seelbach. Case No. 50,911 for illegal inhumation. Case No. 57,569 of the Maule Intendancy against Hartmut Hopp and Paul Schäfer for infringement of the Ley sobre control de armas [Arms Control Law]. Infraction Case No. 4,441 about a protection measure against the minor Ángel Salvo Fuentes

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Judicial File

Judicial record regarding the case No. 52,417 presented by Carlos Abel Jarpa Wevar, Provincial Governor of Ñuble, for the crime of kidnapping Karl Albert Stricker Bahlke. And appeal of Mrs. Ana Rosa Rodríguez Sandoval against Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Cero Florido Ltda. For the recruitment of her son Víctor Briones to work in said company and study at the Villa Baviera School

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Judicial File

5 legal resources corresponding to, health summary at the Villa Baviera Hospital by the Servicio de Salud Maule [Health Service of Maule]. Complaint No. 50,889 filed by Hospital Villa Baviera against the Chief of Servicio de Salud Maule. Protection appeal filed by Fidel Reyes Castillo in favor of 478 children from Villa Baviera, for not receiving the national milk benefit. Appeal for the protection of Colonia Dignidad against officials of SII [Internal Revenue Service] and Inaplicability appeal against the same service

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad